Time & Location
Time is TBD
Location is TBD
About the event
Agata Nowak was born on 6th May 1992 in Krakow (Poland). At the age of 7 she started playing the violin. In 2014 she graduated from Fryderyk Chopin Music University in
Warsaw and started her first Master’s Degree Programme in Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne (Site du Sion) with Francesco de Angelis.
Agata has learned from many distinguished violinists such as Pavel Vernikov, Yair Kless, Yuri Volgin, Svetlana Makarova, Jan Stanienda, Edward Zienkowski, Bartlomiej Niziol, Julia Jakimowicz-Jakowicz, Wieslaw Kwasny, Bartosz Bryla, Xiaoming Wang, William van der Sloot, Gwen Hoebig. She has been a national and international violin competition lauerate: (3rd Prize at Jeunesses Musicales in Bucharest-Romania, 2nd Prize at II Youth Competition for Solo Violin in Tomaszow Mazowiecki-Poland, 1st Place at VI Concorso Internazionale di Esecuzione Musicale in Treviso-Italy etc.). Agata performed in plenty of violin concerts in Poland, Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Spain, Switzerland and Canada. What is more, she has attended many projects and festivals such as Verbier Festival Orchestra and Luzern Festival Academy (Switzerland 2014), Chamber Music Festival Ensemble in Ksiaz (Poland 2014), Polish Youth Philharmonic (2011), RIAS Jugendorchester in Berlin (Germany 2011), Baltic Youth Philharmonic (Usedom Festival in Germany 2013), Mornigside Music Bridge in Calgary (Canada 2009). During the Verbier Festival she was chosen to be one of a concertmaisters of the festival’s orchestra. Furthermore, she has participated in the Music Festival & Masterclass in Pila (Poland 2013-2014) and she has received the award for the Best Artist twice. Agata is a scholar of National Children’s Foundation, „Sapere Auso“ and Starak’s Family Foundation, that endowed her with funds to provide her with a new violin in 2012. In the year 2014 she became a beneficient of a completely new project in Poland called Foundation MyWay. Their aim is to build a professional portfolio for the young classical artists (including a CD-recording).